DSLR Webcam List 📸

A sortable list of DSLR, camcorder and action cams supported by Elgato Cam Link to be used as a webcam. With Amazon US prices because they are not listed on Elgato's site.


Why does this site exist?

Over the past days I read multiple tweets by Tim Van Damme, Andreas Klinger, Job and others about why DSLR based webcams are the better choice. I also learned about the best remote calling setup from Andy Tryba when I realized I have to step up my camera game too and I started researching which model would fit my budget. Luckily there's a full list on Elgato's website of which DSLR cameras are supported. None of these have prices or links though and copy pasting them into Amazon got old quickly. That's why I gathered this list for others to use.

If there's any wrong information let me know! Contact information is in the footer.

Camera Overview

List of cameras and their various features as compiled by Elgato

Brand Model Max Resolution Resolution Clean HDMI Connection Unlimited Runtime Compatibility Power Verified by Price Buy